Pop a list from beginning ? and memory saving...

Benjamin Tai bt98 at doc.ic.ac.uk
Sun Jun 2 07:10:19 EDT 2002

Shagshag13 wrote:

> > You could try a.pop(0), which pop the first instance of the list, like a FIFO.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Ben
> and is it a way to free memory ?
> thanks,
> s13.

Mr Robert Eanes wrote an email in the list about a month ago:


here is another one.


There are some very good reference when you do a google search for "free memory" in
python group.

I am afriad I have little experience to discuss this issue, however there might be
other articles in the archieve, explaining
1) Python programming techniques in relation to large data structure
2) There might be no direct memory management above Python level. Work is done
inside the interpreter by reference count.



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