Filling a space...

holger krekel pyth at
Tue Jun 11 10:34:21 EDT 2002

Thor wrote:
> Having this tupe: (2,3,4), which one would be the msot efficient way to get 
> this (parentheses ommited):
> 0,0,0  0,0,1  0,0,2  0,0,3
> 0,1,0  0,1,1  0,1,2  0,1,3
> 0,2,0  0,2,1  0,2,2  0,2,3
> 1,0,0  1,0,1  1,0,2  1,0,3....
> I mean, to get all the possible integer points in a defined space.

i hope you are going to cope well with all the answers you will certainly get.
i can't resist either to present a >=python2.2 solution :-)

def allpoints_generator(spectuple):
    aslist = list(spectuple)
    if aslist:
        for i in xrange(aslist.pop(0)):
            if aslist:
                for sub in allpoints_generator(aslist):
                     yield (i,)+sub
                yield (i,)

for i in allpoints_generator( (1,2,3) ):
    print "result", i

result (0, 0, 0)
result (0, 0, 1)
result (0, 0, 2)
result (0, 1, 0)
result (0, 1, 1)
result (0, 1, 2)

have fun,


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