Matrix Multiplications

Gavin Lusby G.H.Lusby at
Sat Jun 8 11:58:06 EDT 2002

Dear all,

I am an engineering student trying to further my research with python 
programming.  Would someone please tell me how I would do a certain 
matrix multiplication in Pythin/NumPy...


I have two large matricies A[n,n] and B[n,n]

I would like to get an outer product of:

C[k+1:,k:] = B[k+1:,k] * A[k,k:]

where,	k = 0,...,n-1

It is in effect, an outer product of two vectors of different length.


I keep getting errors and in the end it's probably something 
straightforward but I'm no Computer Scientist having been spoon-fed 
Fortran 77.  

I would be most grateful if someone could tell me how to do this 
very efficiently in Python.

Many thaks in advance,

Gavin Lusby 

Gavin Lusby
University of Edinburgh
email:    g.h.lusby at

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