Reminder of a python Project.

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Jun 25 23:38:16 EDT 2002

Timothy Rue wrote:
> First off, it's ok that I got such a high level of resistance to my
> initial posting here about this project. 

Obviously the level was not high enough.  Sorry, we'll try harder.

> $81 Billion = 31% of software development gets cancelled before complete
> $59 Billion = 53% of software development has cost over-runs of 189%
> 16% success - project success and failure ratio
> My 1997 estimate of software failures all around (total of industry and
> consumer level development and use):  Low estimate of 300 Billion.

Your information is out of date.  Agile software development processes 
developed since 1997 have improved the success rate of software development 
projects to the point where this is no longer an issue.  It is now possible
to deliver software with a 96% success rate, for less cost than previous
methods, with greater sustainability for the development teams, and at
a much higher quality level than appeared possible in the past.

I'm afraid there is no longer any need for an autocoder.


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