socket.inet_aton - bug?

Uwe Mayer merkosh at
Wed Jun 12 13:45:24 EDT 2002


socket.inet_ntoa() accepts the string '\xff\xff\xff\xff' which is 
excactly the same i'd expect socket.inet_aton('') to 
produce if it accepted the string '' as an IP adress.
socket.inet_aton() dies with socket.error "illegal IP adress".

i know this is no valid ip adress, but it is a valid netmask. the 
purpose of converting the netmask to a binary format was that i wanted 
to isolate the subnet of an ip adress.
i wanted to use test_ip & netmask == ip_range to allow subnets to access 
a tcp server. 
is there another way of controlling this or why does socket.inet_aton() 
behave like that?


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