Source formatting for long expressions.

Martin v. Loewis martin at
Sun Jun 9 04:14:58 EDT 2002

Christopher Armstrong <radix at> writes:

> Does anyone know of a tool that will beak up a very, very long
> expression like this into multiple lines with sane indentation?

Emacs indentation gives this:

Ref(1, Instance('',
                persistenceVersion=7, services={}, udpPorts=[], gid=1000,
                connectors=[], uid=1000, tcpPorts=[(9080,
                                                    Instance('twisted.web.server.Site', sessions={},
                                                             resource=Instance('twisted.coil.web.ConfigRoot', children={},
                                                                               modules=[], widgets={'config':
                                                                                                    Instance('twisted.coil.web.AppConfiguratorPage', variables={},

As you can see, it tries to align further arguments to a function
together with the opening parenthesis. I would assume that any other
auto-formatters use the same style, so you won't get any "sane"
indentation until you drop the nesting level (perhaps in favour of
method invocations).


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