I'm an idiot

David david_griswold1 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 28 21:00:22 EDT 2002

OK, I am the first to admit it.  I am an idiot.  I have RTFM on this over 
and over, and I can still not figure out what I am doing wrong.

I think the intent of the code is obvious, but just to clarify, I want to 
read every line in a file and write those lines back out to another file, 
but with leading and training space removed.  I also want to have some 
elegant way to determine that I have reached the end of the file and 
break out of the loop.

And just to explain my stupidity, my reference langauge is BASIC.  I 
could have written this in BASIC in a minute, but I need to learn 
something new.  Any help would be appreciated.


f=open('c:\\temp\\temp.txt', 'r')
g=open('c:\\temp\\temp1.txt', 'w')
while 1:
    except IOError:


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