Using AT on XP to run python script

Don Garrett garrett at
Thu Jun 6 16:31:58 EDT 2002

    Change "c:\python21\python.exe c:\scripts\" to
"c:\python21\python.exe" "c:\scripts\" otherwise it's trying to turn
that whole thing into a single file name. However, I would have expected the
last thing you tried to work.

    Try using /interactive just for testing. It may be trying to open a command
window or something. Maybe name the script .pyw

Chris Stromberger wrote:

 > I'm having trouble getting AT on XP to run a python script for me.
 > Have tried:
 > at xx:xx "c:\python21\python.exe c:\scripts\"
 > at xx:xx "start c:\scripts\"
 > at xx:xx "c:\scripts\"
 > and get "the system cannot find the file specified" for the first two.
 > The last version does nothing apparently--no error indication or
 > anything.
 > I imagine it is related to user accounts and such.  Anyone have any
 > pointers?

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