Help with ADO and dynamic insert statement...

waldekO osuchw at
Fri Jun 14 17:36:01 EDT 2002

candiazoo at wrote in message 

> I am still having problems using dynamic sql statements to perform lookups and
> inserts into a MS Access database and an Oracle database.  

I can not to answer you question directly but I may show you mine
approach to querying using ADO.

To retrive information from database

from win32com.client import Dispatch
conn = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')
conn.Open(db_source, db_user, db_passwd)
sql = """
      select id, fname, lname, address
      from contacts
      where contact_id = %s
      """ %(contactid)
flag, rs = conn.Execute(sql)
# function name is GetRows but really it returns columns
# so one has to swing the results around uzing zip()
cols = rs.GetRows()
if rows:
    rows = zip(*cols)

# To insert I would similarily first construct sql statemnt using
# formatting and then call conn.Execute(sql)
# For example:
sql = """
      insert into other_contacts
      (id, fname, lname, address)
      (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s')

for row in rows:
    conn.Execute(sql %row)

Of course this approach is very simple and does not take into account
single quotes or exotic data types but it is sufficient for my needs
in most cases.


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