Plugins in Python

Brandon Beck bbeck at
Fri Jun 28 14:40:05 EDT 2002

Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Lars Yencken wrote:
>>I'm trying to do plugins for a program I'm writing in Python, and I'm
>>sure how exactly to do it. Basically what I want it to be able to
>>write a
>>module which loads every python file in a directory and stores an
>>of each one that loaded successfully.
> The most obvious implementation is simply to have them each imported as
> modules with __import__, and define some kind of simple
> initialization/shutdown API that will be called upon import.

I've recently written something which pretty much does exactly this 
using the imp module.

The source is browsable and HTML viewable at:

You probably want to specifically look at the PluginManager class which 
is a class inside of bot.html.

Hope this helps some.

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