Where is Berkeley DB on your system? Can you live without DB 1.85?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jun 7 15:52:26 EDT 2002

I'm reworking the code in Python's setup.py and configure scripts that
locates the relevant Berkeley DB libraries and include files.  This is
important because on many systems you can install multiple incompatible
versions of this library.  Compiling the bsddb module with the include file
from one version and trying to link it with the libary from another version
is an obvious recipe for disaster.

I've figured out such information for a number of systems at my disposal but
I'd like to get as much input as possible about this for other systems so
the next Python release works out of the box for as many people as possible.
Here's what I want you to do.  If you have a system on which you use
configure to build Python *and* if your Berkeley DB installation information
doesn't match one of the following (for N in [1,2,3,4] below):

    include file location               library location
    ---------------------               ----------------
    /usr/include/dbN                    /usr/lib/lib/dbN
    /usr/local/include/dbN              /usr/local/lib/lib/dbN
    /sw/include/dbN                     /sw/lib/dbN
    /opt/sfw/include                    /opt/sfw/lib

please reply to this note off-list letting me know where it is on your

Also, please let me know what version(s) of Berkeley DB you have installed
and use.  I would *really* like to stop supporting compilation and linkage
with DB 1.85 because of the long known bugs in its hash file implementation.
If you really and truly need a convenient way to enable building with
Berkeley DB 1.85, let me know and I'll figure something out.  Otherwise, I
will add the necessary lines to setup.py but comment them out.  You'll have
to uncomment them so the bsddb module will build with the now-ancient DB

Finally, is compilation with an older version (say, version 2) important to
you in the presence of a newer installed version (version 3 or 4)?  Let me
know that as well.


Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)
Boycott Netflix - they spam - http://www.musi-cal.com/~skip/netflix.html

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