RfD: Automagically making a class instance 'synchronized' (draft impl.)

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at gmx.de
Tue Jun 11 19:37:40 EDT 2002

* holger krekel <pyth at devel.trillke.net> [2002-06-12 00:04 +0200]:
> Gerhard Häring wrote:
> > For one of my projects, I'll need something not quite unlike the
> > following code. It's not tested, yet, but it looks ok and complete to
> > me. I thought that it could be useful to other developers who need to
> > use multithreading, so I'm posting it here. Maybe something like this
> > would even be a useful addition to the Standard Library?
> note that Ian Kjos some weeks ago send a nice module 'morethreading.py'
> to the dev-list. IIRC, it still waits for beeing reviewed and extended
> with other ideas (like synchronized methods). 

Sounds interesting, I'll have a look at it. I also just found this
recipe: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/65202
which has a few more interesting additions. It's possible to do without
my methodlist, for example.

> [...] this can be safely substituted and then even returns the correct value<wink> with
> try: ... finally:

Whoops. I missed that originally, thanks.

Btw. I've only recently started to seriously experiment with
multithreading. Have you read my recent post

Message-ID: <slrnafpeei.p8.gerhard at developer2.opus-gmbh.net>
with the title "Need advice on multithreading problem"

? I find it really nifty. It's about wrapping a C library function that
uses callbacks to Python generators. I'd welcome any comments on the
approach I've taken there (Queue.Queue, a deferred producer thread with
the generator in the main thread being the consumer).

Unfortunately, this opened a whole can of worms, which I think I solved
now. Now I'm trying to solve them more elegantly.

If anybody wants to try this out in real life, it's in the PySQLite CVS
as the alternative IterCursor implementation.

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