Installation problems DCOracle2 & W2000

Fazal Majid news at
Tue Jun 25 23:28:17 EDT 2002

Talon wrote:
> I am having a heck of a time getting DCOracle2 to funcion properly.  I 
> am running on a W2K machine, python2.1.3 and Zope 2.5.1, both of which 
> run just fine.  I installed DCOracle2 and the ZOracleDA under Zope and 
> it works fine.  But standalone python scripts don't see the 
> module.  So I tried to install DCOracle2 in the python21/lib folder.  I 
> got that latest version from and it said it installed properly.  
> But it doesn't run.  If you try to import it into a script, you get 
> complaints that it can't find this or that module, all of which are part 
> of the Zope path.

I have gotten DCOracle2 to work correctly on my Windows 2000 setup with 
2.1.1 (but I haven't tried it with Zope). You do need to set your 
Pythonpath environment variable correctly, as well as copy the correct 
dco2.pyd (DLL) version for your Python and Oracle versions.

-- Fazal Majid

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