Interactive session via tcp

Andreas Ames andreas.ames at
Thu Jun 27 04:43:46 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I have a python daemon running with access to an XML messaging system
(jabber in this case).  I'm wondering, how I can achieve remote
control over my daemon.

The first thing that I can think of is to start an interactive session
via the XML stream.  Security is not my concern right now.  Following
steps seem to be required, afaik (please correct me, if my assumptions
are wrong).

1) Deamon receives a command to open an interactive session.

2) The main thread of my daemon starts a read/eval loop and redirects
   stdout and stder.

Is step 2 easily implemented in python?  Is it reasonably easy to have
more than one concurrent interactive sessions (say one local and one
remote or several remote)?

If there can be more than one concurrent interactive sessions how is
this implemented (different threads, different stdout/stderr etc.)?

How do several concurrent interactive sessions possibly interfere
(sideeffects etc.), when they use the same interpreter instance (or
don't they share the same one)?



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