Python file upload

Richard Barrett R.Barrett at
Wed Jun 26 04:56:33 EDT 2002

I think you will find that your calls to cgi.escape the incoming data are 
the cause of your problem.

You do not need to escape incoming multipart/form data. The documentation 
for cgi.escape says:

Use this if you need to display text that might contain such characters in HTML

which is clearly not your purpose in handling the incoming data, 
particularly when it is binary data.

At 08:08 26/06/2002 +0000, Bjarne Christiansen wrote:
>I have some problems uploading binary files though the web browser. It 
>seens to work fine when uploading ACII file but but binary files seems to 
>be currupted. The begining of the binary file seems fine, but some data is 
>Here is my file upload script:
>#!c:\Python\python -d
>import cgi
>print "content-type: text/html\n\n"
>form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>if not form:
>  print """
><form action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" method="POST" 
><input type="file" name="filename">
><input type="submit">
>  """
>elif form.has_key("filename"):
>  item = form["filename"]
>  if item.file:
>    data =
>    print cgi.escape(data)
>    data1 = cgi.escape(data)
>    f = open("file1.jpg","wb")
>    f.write(data1)
>Any help will be greatly appriciated!
>Best Regards,
>Bjarne Christiansen
>bjarne_christiansen at
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