distutils/boost question

Gerhard Häring gerhard at bigfoot.de
Fri Jun 28 11:00:13 EDT 2002

In article <afhp5p$fqf0d$1 at hades.rz.uni-sb.de>, Uwe Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> I used the Boost.Python library to write some python-extension.
> How can I distribute the generated (binary) .so-file with distutils ?
> I don't want to distribute the  sources, only the binaries.
> In detail: I have to distribute the libbpl.so from boost and
> my own .so-file. One problem is, that I have to add the
> path of libbpl.so to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When I only copy it
> to the extension-folder of python, it does not work...

The easiest solution is to statically link in the Boost.Python library.

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