Packages +reload()

Giorgi Lekishvili gleki at
Fri Jun 28 04:34:10 EDT 2002


It would be nice, if you shell (trace) send the output as well.

Few questions:
Do you import eNact prior to import what's inside?
>From eNAct import *

ir import eNAct

Järvinen Petri wrote:

> Hey,
> I feel like complite lost. I have created nice package structure,
>  but I encountered lot's of troubles when using it with IIS and ASP.
> Structure is:
>         eNAct\
>                 documents\
>                         listDocuments\
>                                 showPage()
>                 enactXML()
> -> main package eNAct and sub-packages eg. documents and it's
>  sub-packages eg. listDocuments
> The problem is that I can't reload the modules.
> I have tried various ways of importing listDocuments but IT doesn't
> get reloaded.
> eg.
> from eNAct.documents import listDocuments
> reload(listDocuments)
> listDocuments.showPage()
> or
> import eNAct
> reload (enact)

You surely remember that enact!=eNAct, don't you?

> eNAct.documents.listDocuments.showPage()
> Questions:
> 1. How should the structure be?
> 2. Is it possible that I only reload the eNAct and all sub-modules
>    get reloaded.
> 3. What does reload(eNAct.documents) reload?
> - Petri Järvinen


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