Which is fastest dict or list.index() ?

Kragen Sitaker kragen at pobox.com
Sun Jun 2 22:49:34 EDT 2002

"Raymond Hettinger" <python at rcn.com> writes:
> There are a lot of ways to implement an OrderedDictionary.
> Take a look at
> http://home.arcor.de/wolfgang.grafen/Python/Modules/Modules.html
> and http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/107747
> If you want a skiplist version, let me know and I'll send it.

I'm curious how your skiplist version compares with the built-in
Python dict type on performance; I'd been thinking about building a
skiplist ordered dictionary extension type myself, but if you've
already done it, maybe I should just use yours.

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