Looking for a list subclassing example...

darrell dgallion1 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 4 20:35:32 EDT 2002

Thanks Jeff.

I don't use this code now but I checked and it had a memory leak.
Which the "del self[:-self.limit]" fixed.
I didn't need support for slices. Guess I should have coded an assert
into those other methods.


Jeff Epler wrote:
> I don't think the line
>>             self = self[-self.limit:]
> can do what you want (it only changes something about the locals in
> the method).  You almost certainly need to use slice deletion
> del self[:-self.limit]
> or
> if diff > 0: del self[:diff]
> (these seem to work in all cases, even when diff == 1). You also haven't
> overridden the slice assignment method, extend(), __add__, or __mult__
> to make sure the length invariant is preserved in cases like
>     x[:0] = ['ha ha'] * 1000
>     x = x + ['ha ha'] * 1000
>     x = x * 1000
> Jeff

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