Question about scientific calculations in Python

Max M maxm at
Wed Mar 13 03:38:48 EST 2002

Jason Orendorff wrote:

> I'm going to attempt to explain how you can do this with Numeric
> Python, but you'll have to understand I have no clue what I'm
> doing scientifically.

Damn this is a good post!

Even I can understand it, and see why Nummeric is smart.

I have never looked at Nummeric as I believed that I had to do gene 
sequencing, neutron analysis or somesuch to find any use for it.

But I could see right here in this short example that there was several 
functions that I have unnessacerilly written myself recently in my 
bussines-logic apps.

So this just moved Nummeric several notches up on my to-learn list.

Thanks and regards Max M

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