popen3 on win32 python:2.1.2

Maric maric.michaud at cirec.com
Thu Mar 7 12:09:59 EST 2002

We had a similar problem on linux using popen3 to manage cdrecord and
These two programs for some unknown reasons (not in all cases) doesn't close
standard error output and continuously send null char in it.
We resolve it by waiting for process to send null chars either on standard
and standard error output (while process running correctly this doesn't
happen) and then close the pipe.
The child now can shutdown properly.
Works fine.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Thomas Guettler [mailto:st-newsgroups at thomas-guettler.de]
Envoyé : jeudi 7 mars 2002 17:42
À : python-list at python.org
Objet : popen3 on win32 python:2.1.2


popen3() hangs on W2K:

(stdin, stdout, stderr)=popen3('wvWare -x wvware.xml foo.doc')

--> read() never ends.

It works if wvware produces few output, but with larger files it hangs
(0% CPU usage).

wvware is a binary from gnuwin32.sourceforge.net

I use the python version which comes with zope: 2.1.2
Platform: Windows 2000 SP2

Is this a know problem? Are there workarounds?



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