PEP 234 little bug?

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at
Sat Mar 2 20:30:12 EST 2002

Hans Nowak <wurmy at> wrote:
> Hm, I don't think so. I think it does not say that the *file*
> object should have a next() method... rather, it says that
> it's its own iterator, and the iterator has the next()
> method. Maybe the wording could have been a bit more careful,
> but essentially it's true what is says. And iterating over
> files has indeed been implemented in 2.2.

Yes, I was aware of that - I just thought the line
"is implemented" would mean the inclusion of the
(proposed) method [which as a matter
of fact is _not_ implemented], not the iterator

Thanks for your response.



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