redirecting stdin with Python scripts under win2k (solution)

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at
Wed Mar 13 20:07:30 EST 2002

It seems that I've finally found an elegant way to do #! functionality on win2k
and upwards:

instead of #! ... 


@python -x "%~f0" %* & goto :EOF

in the first line of your python script file.

Call the file *scriptname*.bat

If this file is located in your path, you should be to call it from
anywhere by writing on the commandline:




Redirection of iostreams and piping between programs should work as
expected, and not fail as it does when using .py files on the

for emacs users put this in the bottom of your scriptfile.
# Local Variables: ***
# mode:python ***
# End: ***

Explanation of commandline:
@python      -x                              "%~f0" %* 
(run python) (skip first line of sourcetext) from fully qualified name of
the file itself)

&                        goto :EOF
command separator        jump to end of file 

This commanline uses the command extensions that are provided in
win2000 so it won't work on win9x family of win32 operating systems. I
don't think they work in NT 4 either but I am not sure.


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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