ICU wrapper for Python?

Martin von Loewis loewis at
Tue Mar 5 10:30:41 EST 2002

Fredrik Juhlin <laz at> writes:

> However, I'm relying on the fact that since Python uses UCS-2 and ICU uses
> UTF-16 for their respective internal format, any Python unicode string can
> be used as an ICU unicode string. So for the collation I don't need to do
> any conversion between the two. To expose the codecs, one would have to
> convert the resulting strings from UTF-16 to UCS-2.

I'm a bit slow here: Why do you think Python uses UCS-2 and not
(simultaneously) UTF-16? What kind of conversion would you perform?

> If you're interested in what I have so far, I'll stick it on a web server
> for downloading. That'll have to wait until tonight though, since my
> latest version is at home.

That would be nice. If you don't mind, I'd also incorporate it into
the CVS of the i18n SIG ( - it's a bit more
general than just codecs, hope that doesn't cause problems).


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