Regular expressions newbie: something for templates

Skip Montanaro skip at
Sun Mar 10 18:11:03 EST 2002

    Thomas> "This is the test $var1$ and this is $var2$"
    Thomas> and turn it into
    Thomas> "This is the test %(var1)s and this is %(var2)s"

Give this a try:

    >>> import re
    >>> s = "This is the test $var1$ and this is $var2$"
    >>> re.sub(r"\$([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\$", r"%(\1)s", s)
    'This is the test %(var1)s and this is %(var2)s'

Skip Montanaro (skip at -
"As often happens in Net communities, people find all kinds of energy to
compose incisive criticisms of the threads and postings of other members,
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