Newbie: List of instances?

Bengt Richter bokr at
Fri Mar 29 14:59:17 EST 2002

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 14:29:31 -0500, Jeff Layton <laytonjb at> wrote:

>   I'm still learning Python and I'm playing around with some
>code that creates a class. I've mastered that stage already.
>However, what I want to do is create multiple instances of
>the class and put them into a list.
>   If the class is called Bob, then I want to do something like,
>a = []
>a[0] = Bob('input1')
>and so on. Everytime I try something like this I get the following
>error message:
>a[0] = Bob( 'localhost' )
>IndexError: list assignment index out of range
Because there is no a[0] yet if a is []
>   I also tried it this way,
>a = []
>a.append = Bob('localhost')
That much should work. Can you copy and paste an actual interactive snippet? E.g.,

 >>> class Bob:
 ...     def __init__(self,v):
 ...         self.v = v
 ...     def show(self):
 ...         print 'This is a Bob instance with v = %s' % self.v
 >>> a = []
 >>> a.append(Bob('localhost'))
 >>> a
 [<__main__.Bob instance at 0x007CF4A0>]
 >>> a[0]
 <__main__.Bob instance at 0x007CF4A0>
 >>> a[0].show()
 This is a Bob instance with v = localhost

>and I get the error message:
>a[0] = Bob( 'localhost' )
>IndexError: list assignment index out of range
a must have still been [], but who can tell from what you posted?

>   Can anyone shed some light into how I do this? Or is
>there a better way?
Post a log of minimal failing code sufficient for anyone
to duplicate your problem.

Bengt Richter

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