zlib and performance

Juan Huertas jhg at galdon.com
Thu Mar 14 16:57:33 EST 2002

I have a file, with records generated using cPickle and zlib, for example:


usualy in the real case the length of the list is 30 or 40.

My file has 60,000 records aprox.

For archive i use, a btrieve file:


When i need to read the whole file, i use:

for k in f.keys():

and in Windows 2000 (256 Mb ram) P-III 1000 Ghz Python 2.1.2 this takes 4
sec aprox:

    1 sec for retrieving f[k]
    2 sec for decompress
    1 sec for loads

If i need, read the whole file a continuation, i proceed:

r={} # This takes 3 seconds aprox !!! (Why?)

for k in f.keys():

    1 sec for retrieving f[k]
    28 sec for decompress !!! (Why?)
    1 sec for loads

Whats is the problem?. zlib does not work fine?

Please aid.

In Windows XP this does not occurs!!!

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