win32com client and McMillan installer 5.3b1

Francis Meyvis francis.meyvis at
Fri Mar 29 04:59:01 EST 2002


I've a bunch of python scripts that I'd like to convert into and exe.
This works well with the McMillan Installer except the script that
uses the win32com client stuff to access worksheets in an excell document.
>From the traceback I see that there's an import error:
"No module named pythoncom"

I tried it with McMillan installer 5.3b1 on
NT5 with python 2.2 and Mark Hammond's associated win32 extentions
NT4 with python 1.6 and Mark Hammond's associated win32 extentions

Both give me the same result.

Can someone point me to what I'm doing wrong?
I did a
p22 --name=tst

I have some warnings about a delayed __import__
According to the doc these have to be taken serious.
But the doc does not explain in a clear way to me
what I should do about it.
Extend the path?, add the modules manually to the spec file?

Kind regards, best wishes,
francis meyvis

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