Digest Number 868

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Mar 18 12:42:18 EST 2002

    Garret> Does any know a good way to talk to a mysql database besides
    Garret> depending on the fact that the computer might happen to have
    Garret> that mysql module installed?  I guess I could just figure out
    Garret> how the protocol works and access it by opening a socket to it
    Garret> and interpert what it gives me...... but I would like to know if
    Garret> someone has already done that and see if i could download it.

I think that nobody in their right mind in this group would have done that,
since the MySQL people already provide a free client library to allow C
programs (and programs that can call C functions) to talk to the server
without understanding anything about the protocol.  The mysql-python stuff
layers on top of that.  The MySQL developers probably view their
client-server protocol as not part of the public interface, so even if you
managed to write a raw socket interface you'd be at the mercy of changes to
the protocol whenever the remote server was upgraded.

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)

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