wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem

Uwe Schmitt uwe at rocksport.de
Mon Mar 25 06:57:40 EST 2002

[ This is a repost of the following article:                               ]
[ From: Uwe Schmitt <uwe at rocksport.de>                                     ]
[ Subject: wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem                            ]
[ Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.wxwindows                                      ]
[ Message-ID: <a7l70a$7s5pq$3 at hades.rz.uni-sb.de>                          ]


when I try the following function on a linux machine I get an input
mask consisting of a label and an input field. If i run it under
Windows 2k, the label does not appear, and the inputfield is rendered
into the first field of the grid...

Here is the procedure:

   def testtt(window):

        basicSizer = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)

        gridSizer= wxFlexGridSizer(cols=2)

        t=wxStaticText(window, -1, "Eingabe:")
        gridSizer.Add(t, wxALL | wxALIGN_RIGHT)
        tt=wxTextCtrl(window, -1, "", size=wxSize(100,-1))
        gridSizer.Add(tt, wxALL |wxALIGN_LEFT)



Can anybody help me ???  I use wxPython and Python 2.1...

Greetings, Uwe

Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt                       Uwe.Schmitt at num.uni-sb.de
Universitaet des Saarlandes                     Angewandte Mathematik
Building 36.1 Room 4.17         PO-Box 151150   D-66041 Saarbruecken
Mobile:0177/6806587    Fax:+49(0)681/302-4435   Office:+49(0)681/302-2468

Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt                       Uwe.Schmitt at num.uni-sb.de
Universitaet des Saarlandes                     Angewandte Mathematik
Building 36.1 Room 4.17         PO-Box 151150   D-66041 Saarbruecken
Mobile:0177/6806587    Fax:+49(0)681/302-4435   Office:+49(0)681/302-2468

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