Python/Zope and Cold Fusion Interoperability Strategies?

Christopher Abraham cja at
Tue Mar 26 11:40:55 EST 2002


I have a 2:00 meeting on Cold Fusion integration with Zope/Python. (This
is not a time-sensitive email -- but the meeting is making me think hard
since this is a problem I will have to solve again and again)

I think they have some some Cold Fusion/DB-backed sites and so forth (not
ours) that they would like to synch/syndicate/and represent.

Are there proprietary RSS/RDF/SOAP/XML/B2B/Service/Buzzword strategies
that Allaire/Macromedia/CF push?  Are there Python Package/Module/Method
which can/could/would address these kinds of interoperability questions?

Since the Foundation/.ORG world has embraced CF (as have many worlds --
silly gits!), we will see this again and again -- and I would like your
help in maybe showing me the solutions that I have not considered.

I would really appreciate someone's help when you have a chance -- the
meeting is not a deadline, only an impetus.

Also, I am working on finding a place in the area for the next ZPug
meeting -- but I have my hands full.  I will keep on looking, but if you
have any ideas for places, please post them to the list and we can
brainstorm together.

The Site is and the mailing list for the DC ZPug is

Cheers & Thanks in Advance,


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