Python embedded like PHP

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Wed Mar 20 06:45:09 EST 2002

Andy Gimblett <gimbo at> writes:
> Have a look at this example (from
> <ul tal:define="sequence python:container.mydb.selectbyname(name='peter')">
>   <li tal:repeat="item sequence">
>     <span tal:replace="item/surname">surname</span>
>   </li>
> </ul>
> Now, that's perfectly valid HTML, most WYSYWIG editors will basically
> ignore the tal: attributes and render a single-element list, but the
> ZPT machinery in Zope will pick that up and render a multi-element
> list in a manner which I think it pretty obvious from looking at the
> source.
> In short, I think it's super-neato.  :-)

Geez, I find all this pseudo-HTML horrendous.  Why not just embed
normal looking code in <?  ?> tags the way PHP does it?  Do WYSIWYG
editors have a problem with that?  If worse comes to worse, embed
the Python code with the kinds of tags used for Javascript.  The
WYSIWYG editors should be used to Javascript by now.

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