The language vs. the environment

A.M. Kuchling akuchlin at
Thu Mar 7 12:24:10 EST 2002

In article <a666k1$2km$1 at>, Fernando PĂ©rez wrote:
> Let me add to your list distutils. They are nice but need a fair amount of 
> work. Projects such as PyXML and SciPy have ended up writing a lot of 
> wraparound utility code basically to provide functionality which it would be 
> nice to have in the core system (useful to all). So one more for the list of 

Well, someone should actually contribute those changes back to
Distutils; they can't improve without patches.

--amk                                                             (
... see the sun set in the hand of the man ...
    -- Rachel, in SANDMAN #3: "Dream a Little Dream of Me"

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