list comprehension question

Steve Holden sholden at
Tue Mar 26 12:55:26 EST 2002

"Tim Peters" < at> wrote ...
> [Neil Schemenauer]
> > PS. tell the bot I'm sorry I doubted the correctness of his code
> No problem, Neil!  He had already projected both the depth and sincerity
> your sorrow to six significant digits, and seemed quite pleased that doing
> so didn't exhaust his supply of available zeroes.  He's off factoring
> again (I think he's on to something humans may have missed), so all is

This pathetic fiction that you and the bot have separate identities won't
fool anyone. Come clean, before the supply of available ones runs out and
you are left with only zeroes.

even-the-mc6809-has-its-limits-ly y'rs  - steve

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