Modulo operator : differences between C and Python

Erik de Castro Lopo nospam at
Sun Mar 10 17:59:03 EST 2002

Hi all,

Just recently I prototyped a relatively complex algorithm in Python
before converting it to C. During this conversion I noticed that
the modulo operator returns different results in C and Python if
the numerator is negative. For positive values they produce the same 

erikd at coltrane > python
Python 2.1.2 (#1, Jan 18 2002, 18:05:45) 
[GCC 2.95.4  (Debian prerelease)] on linux2
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 123 % 12
>>> -123 % 12
erikd at coltrane > cat mod_test.c 
#include <stdio.h>

int main (void)
{       int a = 123 ;

        printf (" % d %% 12 == %d\n",  a,  a % 12) ;
        printf (" % d %% 12 == %d\n", -a, -a % 12) ;
        return 0 ;
erikd at coltrane > gcc -Wall mod_test.c -o mod_test
erikd at coltrane > ./mod_test 
  123 % 12 == 3
 -123 % 12 == -3

Anybody have any idea why this is?

  Erik de Castro Lopo  nospam at (Yes it's valid)
The government everybody loves to abuse sues the company everybody loves 
to hate. Throw in a bunch of faceless lawyers cross-examining techies 
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