regular expression for nested matching braces

Bengt Richter bokr at
Thu Mar 7 17:48:08 EST 2002

On Thu, 07 Mar 2002 12:13:24 -0500, Tim Peters < at> wrote:

>[Piet van Oostrum]
>> ...
>> In fact python's regular expressions are a little bit stronger than
>> the theoretical ones because of the allowed \n constructs, but still
>> can't count.
>If you're into this kind of thing, doing a google search on
>    "regular expression" "NP complete"
>turns up several linear-time reductions transforming NP-complete problems
>into matching-with-backreferences problems.  IOW, adding backreferences to
>theoretical regexps turns the regexp matching problem from polynomial time
>into "almost certainly" exponential time.  In that sense, backreferences add
>enormous power.  But counting is *really* hard <wink>.
With some limitations (use triple quotes for less limitation on input), how about:

 >>> s = "A line of text with {multiple and {nested} braces} to {confuse} re!"
 >>> sl = eval('["'+'"], "'.join('", ["'.join(s.split('{')).split('}'))+'"]')
 >>> sl
 ['A line of text with ', ['multiple and ', ['nested'], ' braces'], ' to ', ['confuse'], ' re!']

then walk the tree as desired.

Bengt Richter

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