Status of PEP's?

Jeff Shannon jeff at
Fri Mar 1 19:48:53 EST 2002

David Eppstein wrote:

> In article <mailman.1014944882.14890.python-list at>,
>  James_Althoff at wrote:
> > Another issue that I have is that the syntax does not work outside of a
> > for-loop header.  I want to be able to create integer intervals anywhere in
> > my code, not just in the header of a for-loop.
> [x for 3 <= x < 10]

Personally, I still don't see this as being an advantage over xrange(3,10).

> or, for a slightly more complicated example: yesterday I wanted to iterate
> over powers of two:
> [1L << x for 0 <= x < 1000]

[1L << x for x in xrange(1000)]

While this would benefit from generator comprehension instead of list
comprehension, other than that, I don't (personally) see an advantage to the
interval-syntax proposal.

I suppose it's just a matter of taste, but I'd rather see fewer "nifty syntax
tricks" added to Python, and I don't see this as adding enough functionality over
xrange() to be worthwhile.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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