python and haskell for fun

Michael Hudson mwh at
Tue Mar 12 04:45:25 EST 2002

Christopher Browne <cbbrowne at> writes:

> I'd love to see Vyper go further; it's a neat approach to the
> "wouldn't it be neat to static type Python?" question.

Well, I'm half of the vyper developers on sf.  I think the only
check-in I've made was to add a .cvsignore file.

> The thing that seemed particularly neat was the way it added in
> ML-style pattern matching.
> I have a feeling that what has happened isn't so much that people
> started farting in the author's general direction ("your mother smells
> like elderberries!"), but that it was a one man show, and that nobody
> really took interest in it.

I think what happened was that he got a job.  I'm *interested* in it,
but I don't even have time to keep up with the bug reports against
Python <wink>.

> In effect, it may be just like most of the SourceForge projects that
> get started up by someone that thinks they have an idea, but who never
> get around to any usable degree of completion.

Vyper is usable, although I don't know whether it works with the
latest releases of ocaml.  It just doesn't offer any real advantages
over CPython.  It's also quite a bit slower.

If people want to pick it up, the code's there, and I'm sure John
could be persuaded to give you developer status...


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