Program termination problem

Garyr garyr at
Fri Mar 29 21:31:56 EST 2002

Thanks for your replies.

The Tkinter selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD') code works fine but the
program still hangs when invoked from a DOS window but does terminate
OK when invoked from an icon.

"Garyr" <garyr at> wrote in message
news:ua6r509m5uradc at
> I have a program that displays a Tkinter Text widget. I would like to be
> able to place text in the window via the clipboard. I found the following
> clipboard code in a Google post:
> import win32clipboard as clip
>          ...
>         clip.OpenClipboard(0)
>         if clip.IsClipboardFormatAvailable(clip.CF_TEXT):
>            newText = clip.GetClipboardData(clip.CF_TEXT)
>           textwidget.insert(END, newText)
>         clip.CloseClipboard()
> This works but it causes the program to hang on exit. mainloop() returns
> the DOS window is frozen. The problem is associated with the clipboard
> functions; i.e., commenting the insert line has no effect.
> I'm using Python 2.1 (Pythonwin 2.1.211) on Win98.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gary Richardson

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