tkinter menuitem question

G. Willoughby sab at
Wed Mar 20 19:28:28 EST 2002

I've just done this tonight with this code:
class GenericCallback:
 def __init__(self, callback, *firstArgs):
  self.__callback = callback
  self.__firstArgs = firstArgs
 def __call__(self, *lastArgs):
  apply(self.__callback, self.__firstArgs + lastArgs)
  self.zonemenu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)

  self.albionmenu=Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)
  self.midgardmenu=Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)
  self.hibernianmenu=Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)

  for x in range(len([x][0]+" : "[x][1]

   if zoneNumber<100:
command=GenericCallback(self.zoneSelected, zoneNumber))
   elif zoneNumber>100 and zoneNumber<200:
command=GenericCallback(self.zoneSelected, zoneNumber))
   elif zoneNumber>200 and zoneNumber<300:
command=GenericCallback(self.zoneSelected, zoneNumber))

  self.zonemenu.add_cascade(label="Albion", menu=self.albionmenu)
  self.zonemenu.add_cascade(label="Midgard", menu=self.midgardmenu)
  self.zonemenu.add_cascade(label="Hibernia", menu=self.hibernianmenu)
  self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Zone", menu=self.zonemenu)
 # Zone menu commands
 def zoneSelected(self, zone):
  print zone

make sense?

G. Willoughby

"Ken Guest" <kwg at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1016634429.30440.python-list at
> ok, I might be way off here but is there a way with a collection of
> Tkinter menuitems that all have their callbacks set to be the one
> function to determine which menuitem was clicked on?
> for example, given the snippet:
>         menubar1=Pmw.MenuBar(vbox1)
>         menubar1.addmenu('TopLvlMenu','this is a tooltip')
>         menubar1.addcascademenu('TopLvlMenu', 'Item#6','tool tip for
> item 6')
>         menubar1.addmenuitem('Item#6', 'command', '',
> label="item#7",underline=0, command=menu_item_selected)
>         menubar1.addmenuitem('Item#6', 'command', 'oct', label="item#8",
>         underline=0, command=menu_item_selected)
>         menubar1.addmenuitem('TopLvlMenu', 'command', 'naoi',
> label="item#9", underline=0, command=menu_item_selected)
>         menubar1.addmenuitem('TopLvlMenu', 'separator', '')
>         menubar1.addmenuitem('TopLvlMenu', 'command', '',
> label="item10", underline=0, command=menu_item_selected)
>         menubar1.pack(expand=NO, side=TOP)
> Is it possible to give these menuitems the one handler function/callback
> function that can determine which item was clicked on?
> The reason for asking is that I have a dynamically generated cascading
> popup menu and need to know which menuitem has been selected.
> I have thought of displaying a very small dialog box which would only
> contain a combobox and nothing else. the dialog box would be unloaded
> once the user selects an item from the combobox but this wouldn't really
> work as there need to be cascaded entries.
> any ideas?
> k.

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