PEP 284, Integer for-loops

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Wed Mar 6 12:08:57 EST 2002

I am a little confused.

Your proposal starts with the claim that people are looking for a natural way
to loop over a range of integers.  Fair enough.  However the definition of
'natural' seems vague here.  As I read your proposal I kept looking for what
modified 'var'.  From watching the lists I have seen more people looking for C
style for(;;) loops than anything.  The syntax you propose is extremely
confusing to anyone who has used a for loop in C.  My other complaint is the
lack of generality caused by not using the C syntax.  You cover this at the
end.  Having one syntax for looping over 1..10, but another for looping over
2..10 evens only seems a bit odd.

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