ASV module, CVS modules

ron nixon ron at
Fri Mar 1 08:37:12 EST 2002

sjmachin at (John Machin) wrote in message news:<c76ff6fc.0202282132.569aef5a at>...
> ron at (ron nixon) wrote in message news:<61ff32e3.0202281525.3e9bb102 at>...
> > Hello, I'm trying to use either of these two modules ASV by Laurence
> > Tratt at and CSV by Dave Cole at
> > I tried both of these and
> > get this error:
> > 
> > Python 2.2 (#28, Dec 21 2001, 12:21:22) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> > Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> > IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help
> > >>> import ASV
> > >>> my_data = ASV.ASV()
> > >>> my_data.input_from_file("c:\test_data.csv", ASV.CSV(),
> > has_field_names =1)
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in ?
> >     my_data.input_from_file("c:\test_data.csv", ASV.CSV(),
> > has_field_names =1)
> >   File "C:\PYTHON22\", line 222, in input_from_file
> >     file = open(input_file, "rb")
> > IOError: invalid argument: rb
> > >>> 
> > 
> > I get a similar message from CSV module. Anyone use either of these
> > and can tell me what's wrong?
> > 
> Wow. You have two problems. Bill Gates has one. And one of either you
> or Dave Cole will get busted real soon now if you keep smoking that
> stuff :-)
> To be more explicit:
> You 1: Don't clutter the root directory of your C: drive with anything
> other than "necessary" directories, and files other than what Bill &
> other software providers dump in there.
> You 2: On Windows, either use forward slashes "c:/test_data.csv" (it
> works!) -- recommended -- or use raw strings r"c:\test_data.csv" if
> you must. The problem is that Python's escape handling intervenes;
> what Bill's software got to see in your case was equivalent to "C:" +
> a_bloody_tab_character + "est_data.csv" !!!
> Bill behaving badly: Seems like Bill chucks a wobbly if there is
> a_bloody_tab_character in a file name. I could be maligning Bill
> unjustly; could be GvR & Co -- I'll have a look at the Python source
> in a minute -- but I'd bet a couple of pots of beer that it's down to
> Bill.
> You and/or Dave in peril of the law: Last time I saw Dave's module it
> didn't presume to read files at all, it expected you to read lines and
> pass them to it one at a time. So either Dave has had a very recent
> rush of blood or something worse to the head and released unbeknownst
> to me a file-handling version of his module, or you are gravely
> mistaken when you assert "I get a similar message from CSV module".
> Hope this helps,
> John


Thanks a bunch. Let me try you suggestions and see if they work. It
was late at night while I was trying this :). Maybe I should have had
a beer. You're right about the CSV module, I didn't look at it
carefully. Again, lack of beer.


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