Nested scopes: design or implementation?

mmillikan at mmillikan at
Wed Mar 6 08:46:20 EST 2002

Note that the <func_code> object is shared by each of the inner
<function> objects:

text = "random text"
def function():
    def attribute( bindNow = text):
        print bindNow
    function.attribute = attribute

Python 2.1 (#15, Apr 16 2001, 18:25:49) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> function()
>>> function.attribute()
random text
>>> function.attribute
<function attribute at 01A7930C>
>>> function.attribute.func_code
<code object attribute at 01A79F48, file "c:\\python-YYAS0o", line 3>

>>> function()
>>> function.attribute.func_code
<code object attribute at 01A79F48, file "c:\python-YYAS0o", line 3>

>>> text = 'new random text'
>>> function()
>>> function.attribute
<function attribute at 01A450CC>
>>> function.attribute.func_code
<code object attribute at 01A79F48, file "c:\python-YYAS0o", line 3>

Mark Millikan

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