Gadfly-1.0rc1 Errors

Anthony Baxter anthony at
Sat May 18 01:33:14 EDT 2002

>>> "Andrew Dalke" wrote
> Dave Moor:
> >>     raise exc[0], (exc[1][0], exc[1][1] + ' removing '+cmd[1])
> >> OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied removing _test_dir\test.gfl
> >
> >The error repeat for 40 tests, but its always caused by shutil.rmtree.
> > The install worked OK, should I worry about the tests failing?
> Just a guess, not based on looking at source code.  MS Windows doesn't
> allow an open file to be deleted, while Unix does.  I suspect the
> cleanup code is trying to remove the test directory and can't
> because something therein is open.

This seems the likely problem. I've logged it in the SF bug
tracker, as

The test failure can be ignored (but should be fixed).


Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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