#ifdef like question.

holger krekel pyth at devel.trillke.net
Tue May 14 10:47:18 EDT 2002

Roman Yakovenko wrote:
> Well, it's really dirty way to do it. 
> Guys don't you think that we have some nice method to solve this problem ?

install python2.2 everywhere :-)

> The problem: writing code using new futures( like generators, ...) 
> and code with the same functionality ( interface ) but using old methods.
> There are a few solutions:
> 1. Install time. Not good, because of for this you will need something like 3 files, 
> for almost every use of something from future
> 2. To right the code like this one.

i am afraid this pretty much sums it up. 

Is there no way you can require python2.2 ? 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: holger krekel [mailto:pyth at devel.trillke.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 4:24 PM
> To: Roman Yakovenko
> Cc: python-list at python.org
> Subject: Re: #ifdef like question.
> Roman Yakovenko wrote:
> > Thanks for the help. I don't like the first version( I knew that I could implement it this way).
> > The reason is simple if for each class \ function I will have 3 files than I'd rather will not use
> > futures. So I'd like to see the second way. Even if it will be some dirty method.
> > I'll pay attention to comments.
> i understand and share your oppinion. ok, then.
> let's make it as cleanly as possible. You basically do:
> exec if_generators("""
>     # generator version
>     def func():
>         yield 1
>         yield 2
> """, """
>     # non-generator version
>     def func():
>         return [1,2]
> """)
> where if_generators is defined like this:
> def if_generators(newway,oldway):
>     import sys
>     version=(int(sys.version[0]),int(sys.version[2]))
>     if version >= (2,2):
>         execstring = 'from __future__ import generators\nif 1:\n'+newway
>     else:
>         execstring = 'if 1:\n'+oldway
>     return execstring
> this works from python-version 1.5 onwards.
> Some points:
> - You can use the exec-statement inside class definitions for
>   methods as well.  the 'if 1:' is there to allow nicer
>   identation. Otherwiese statements would have to start
>   at column 0.
> - execing a string constructs a new parsing-tree.
>   The restriction for 'from __future__ ...' is that
>   it must appear at the top of parsing tree, not at
>   the beginning of a module-file.
> - usually an imported module is byte-compiled in its place.
>   in the above case the exec-string will *always* be parsed
>   and compiled once at run-time.  this hurts if you have short-lived
>   scripts that import your module.
> - when using multiple version of python with the same
>   script in the same location, bytecompiling will quickly
>   loose its purpose. This problem is not specific
>   to the given example but applies to any such script, though.
> - some people rightfully argue that doing 'exec str'
>   should be avoided in favor of 'exec str in g,l' or
>   getting rid of it alltogether. But I don't see other sane ways
>   of achieving our goal. Maybe the person in question is reading
>   this and comments :-)
> have fun,
>     holger
> -- 
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