doesn't use lists???

Raymond Hettinger python at
Mon May 6 16:38:52 EDT 2002

> Seriously, though, isn't regenerating month names on every access
> a bit over the top?  Why not just generate real lists once and provide
> some function that can regenerate them if and when the locale changes?
> How many applications have locale changes in the middle of a process
> run?

If it bugs you, add a cache to _localized_name:

class _localized_name:
    def __init__(self, format):
        self.format = format
        self.cache = {}
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.cache.setdefault(item,
                        strftime(self.format, (item,)*9).capitalize())

> This reminds me of a story in "The Mythical Man Month" where part
> an IBM operating system kernel was devoted to dealing with daylight
> savings time (back when bytes costed multiple hundred dollars and core
> was measured in K's).

Are you saying that printing calendars is in the same
"performance critical" league as the IBM OS kernel?

> Just had to gripe again.  -- Aaron Watters

Hope you feel better <wink>.

Raymond Hettinger

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