Which GUI Library to Use

William Dode wilk at flibuste.net
Fri May 10 12:01:44 EDT 2002

Le Thu, 9 May 2002 22:53:46 -0400
"A. Keyton Weissinger" <lists at weissinger.org> écrivait:

> Hi Folks,
> I am beginning work on what will likely turn into a fairly large
> GUI-based application and would like your thoughts on which library to
> use:
> A) Tk Only
> B) Tk with Python Mega-widgets or similar (i.e. Tk with some other
> stuff) C) Qt (BlackAdder just announced the incorporation of Qt3 into
> BA) D) wxPython
> I want to get the best combination of easiest to install most feature
> rich and do not have enough experience with the non-Tk libraries.
I use wxPython with lot of satisfactions, very easy to learn and the
mailing-list help you very quickly.

Qt is not gpl licence for windows...


> Thank you!!!!
> Keyton

William Dodé - Informaticien Indépendant

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