Theoretical question about Lambda

Paul Foley see at below
Tue May 7 22:15:01 EDT 2002

On 08 May 2002 14:03:43 +1200, I wrote:

> Binding is the association between a name and a chunk of memory which
> is used to store a PyObject pointer, if you insist on looking at it
> that way.  Assignment is just changing the value stored there.

Minor editing error; what I meant to say was:

A binding is the association between a name and a value, which is a
chunk of memory ...

You have been evaluated.  You have a negative reference count.  Prepare
to be garbage collected.  Persistence is futile.           -- Erik Naggum

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  (concatenate 'string "Paul Foley " "<mycroft" '(#\@) ">"))

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