Python vs. Perl, which is better to learn?

François Pinard pinard at
Wed May 1 19:27:54 EDT 2002

[Patrick W]

> IMHO, the best choices for starters are:
> * One of [C, C++]
> * One of [Python, Perl, Python, Ruby, Python, Tcl, Python]
> * Something that encourages a different style of thinking.  [Lisp]
> * Whatever else turns you on.

Excellent advice and analysis, congratulations!

I guess programmers should all get acquainted in their life with some
non-procedural language.  As some people are not inclined toward inference
engines :-), one could aim languages like `SQL', non-procedural enough!

About `C++'...  I once asked a someone, who specialised in languages,
what was his opinion about `C++', and he laconically replied: `Simula--'.
He was right in that `C++' looks like a half-hearted cross between `C' and
`Simula'.  But Simula went out of fashion, while `C++' is still in the air.

`Lisp' (my preferred one is `Scheme', yet some people take offence when
`Scheme' is presented as a `Lisp') encourages a different style of thinking,
but still, it is an imperative, procedural language, like `C' and `Python'.

François Pinard

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