What am I doing wrong?

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at attbi.com
Thu May 30 21:31:33 EDT 2002

On 31-May-2002 Banar-Tul wrote:
>     I am just starting with Python an I am running into a head stratching 
> delima. I am using SuSe 7.3 Pro with Python 2.1.1.  I start Python by 
> typing python at the following prompt.
>         user at linux:~> python
>     From there I can work interactively such as;
>        >>> print "Hello World"
>            Hello World
> But I am trying to follow the examples in Learning Python which instructs
>            % cat threenames.py
>             [example code]

The program 'cat' prints the text of a file to the screen, that is all.  If you
want to run the program do 'python threenames.py'.

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